Хорезмская академия Маъмуна

A training seminar was organized.

18-05-2022     Новости

The training seminar was organized in cooperation with the University of Grenoble, France, Mamun Khorezm Academy and the Cultural Heritage Agency. The seminar is held as part of the Kat-Kala Archaeological Expedition of the Mamun Khorezm Academy at the Kat-Kala monument in the Shavat district of the Khorezm region as part of the EBRD's Integrated Cultural Heritage Program in Khorezm. The seminar was organized by Chamsia Sadozai, Research Fellow at the International Center for Clay Architecture (CRAterre) at the University of Grenoble, France, on the topic "Modern methods of clay architecture". The workshop will run until May 21st.