Хорезмская академия Маъмуна

Experimental base of plant genofund building

01-06-2017     Экспериментальная база

Experimental base of plant genofund building

According to the 240th decision of The Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan in November 1, in 2005, Khorezm Ma’mun Academy’s basic scientific priorities were determined. One of these priorities is to prevent desertification and desalinate by acclimatizing agricultural plants, which are appropriate for cultivating in the condition of soil-climate in Khorezm oasis, such kind of research works are implemented in the experimental base of ‘Soyot’ village in Khiva district in the field lot, specialized for testing. Besides, experimental base includes local and unique plant-safety building that meets the modern requirements and range of scientific laboratories and dwelling for employees, workers. 

Experimental base’s field lot in the Academy of Ma’mun in Khorezm focuses on following duties:

  • To select and put agricultural plants into practice, which are appropriate for cultivating in soil-climate condition in Khorezm oasis (cotton, grain, vegetables, gourd plantation);
  • To create regional agrotechniques for cultivating highly productive cotton, wheat, and other plants resistant to disease and pests;
  • To make recommendation for analyzing ecological condition, human health, and their interdependency and for preventing disease, improving ecological condition;
  • To create an effective system to raise the soil productivity in the condition of oasis;
  • To create the only system for productive and high quality wheat cultivation, procurement and recycling in Khorezm region.

Carrying out scientific projects on field experimentations in the branches of agriculture, ecology and biology, phenologic observations; analyzing samples taken from soil, water and plants; generalizing process of taken information were fulfilled in the range of laboratories of the field.

The garden was established in the 1-hectare area of experimental base. The researchers, investigators, professors, teachers and students of the Urgench State University making efficient use of (using effectively) experimental base and its plant genofond building.

For many years, the Candidate of the Subject of Biology A, Jumaniyozov acclimatized the sorts including Turon, S2610, Parvoz, Orzu and mentioned sort are presently recommended to sow. Likewise, 1 type of amarant, 4 types of bamaya, 4 sort of soya bean fertility and energy, biochemical structure and other peculiarities were studied. As a consequence of Al-16 sort


tomato localization (10 kg from a shrub), the harvest was relatively high. Dakyon is a root crop (instead of radish) that is adjusted to be domesticated and planted in many farms.

Experimentation field’s soil salinity, agrophysical and agrochemical features and the quantity of gumus was tested and the microbiologic processes occurring in it were analyzed.

From the sorts including Xurma, Nayat L-86 and valuable agricultural attributes, interesting successions with good prospects cottonseeds were planted based on individual choice and domestic harvesting in order to implement Selektsiya research plan in a reasonable period. Fertility, fast ripening features and the length of cotton fiber are considered as superior qualities in cotton cultivating and all these signify their prospects. As for cultivation, seeds whose cotton fiber is not less than 34-35 mm in length were sowed on basis of individual choice. State sorts testing industries were supplied with types including Xurma, Niyat. According to 67th resolution of The Ministry of Agriculture and Water industry, Khonka region was provided with Xurma, Niyat sorts’ elita seed materials. In experimentation field lot the new type of cotton sort such as Raxmad, Xurma, Niyat and L-86 (with few leaves) were sowed in hand by basing on individual choice and domestic harvested cotton in April 13-15, in 2016. Similarly, Raxmad, Xurma, Niyat sorts and L-86 leave series, Xaki were planted with other valuable agricultural peculiarities and practically interesting successions. Besides,the new type of cotton seeds were sowed in Urgench district,’Farrukh’ farm industry, in Khonqa region, ‘Salay Yaqubov’ farm.

According to scientific researches in 2016, in consideration of saline soil-climate condition in Khorezm region, new type of cotton Xurma, Niyat and L-86 series created in the Academy of Ma’mun was accustomed to the climate and set constant high fertility rate. For example, Xurma 34,6ts\ga, Niyat 35, 8 ts\ga, Xurma 36,2ts\ga was harvested in Urgench district,’Farrukh’ farm industry, Xurma 36,2 ts\ga, Niyat 38,6 ts\ga is harvested in Khonqa region, ‘Salay Yaqubov’ farm.

Cotton shrub family with sparse leaves is currently arousing interest. In this way, the fiber is visible completely. Above-mentioned factor is a positive influence on plant aeration, contribute to cotton balls bloom early, in this case, defoliation process will be out of necessity, cotton sort-L-86 series show exactly the same quality rate.

The technological rates of the new cotton fiber quality with good prospects were determined in the ‘Sifat’ laboratory in the area of Khorezm region. For instance, by basing on mikroneyr Xurma sort is 45MIC, Niyat sort4,4MIC, Xorazm-127sort  is4,8MIC, L-86 series -41MIC is found out.It is determined that, according to the high average length Xurma sort is 32,0mm, Niyat sort 30,73mm, Xorazm-127sort  is 29,21mm, L-86 series -30,98mm,when it comes to comparative plucking  Xurma sort is31,5gs\teks, Niyat sort -32,0gs\teks, Xorazm-127sort  -32,6gs\teks, L-86 series -30,8gs\teks. The same index, in that way, is 84,5;84,7; 83,8; 83,2.

In the coming years, Khorezm region will stabilize selektsiya –seed works and valuable agricultural features and continue to invent sorts that is compatible with manufactured sorts.