Хорезмская академия Маъмуна


29-05-2018     Отделы

When Khorezm Mamun Academy was established (1997), it included history, archaeology, philosophy, language and literature as well as biology departments. These departments worked during 1998-2003. The head of history, archaeology, and philosophy department was A. Abdurasulov, the head of language and literature department was firstly professor S. Ro'zimboev, later Prof. Z.Dusimov, the head of biology department was K. S. Safarov. Since 2003 the grand system had been introduced and departments were ended, until 2010 all subjects were settled by leaders of grant system. In 2010 this subject was discussed by the scientific council of the Academy and in order to carry out discussions of dissertations in various spheres of science, to enhance the effectiveness of seminars, in order to develop good conducting of management departments were re-established on major scientific fields and heads were assigned to each of them.