ISSN 2091-573X

Certificate: № 13-023

Archive journals

Vol. 7, 2020

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Г.С. Дурдиева, арх.ф.д., к.и.х., Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
А.К.Заргаров, к.и.х., Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
Э.А. Салаев, к.и.х., Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
Abstract. This article contains analyzes and results of instrumental studies of sedimentary loess soils on the territory of Ichan Kala. As a result, uneven outflows (pumping) of ground, flowing water, lying on the mouth of 30-35 meters, revealed the formation of porosity and voids in the soils.
Key words: Architectural monument, smooth soil, sinking roughly, cracks, underground water, natural drainage, vertical drainage, minaret, madrasah.
M.X. Akbarova, katta o`qituvchi, Farg`ona davlat universiteti, Farg`ona
Abstract. Ontomorphogenesis and ontogenetic structure of cenopopulations of Scutellaria adenostegia are studied under natural conditions. A brief ecological and phytocenotic characteristic of its habitats is given. The life form of the species is a vegetatively immobile aeroxyl sympodially growing shrub. Morphogenesis phases are described.
Key words: morphogenesis, coenopopulation, coenotics, ontogenetic spectrum, senyl, ex situ, immature, generative, ontogenesis.
X.O’. Bekchanov, b.f.n., dots., Urganch davlat universiteti, Urganch
N. Yadgorova, katta o’qituvchi, Urganch davlat universiteti, Urganch
T. Ahmedov, o’qituvchi, Urganch davlat universiteti, Urganch
Abstract. In the article, the data on the distribution, the number and occurrence of the species composition and fauna of insects in the melon fields of the “Gurbek” cultivar living in the Khorezm region.
Key words: Мeloni, insects, faun, biological, chemical, contact, fumigant, appellant, repellent.
G.M. Satipov, prof., Urganch Davlat Universiteti, Urganch
N.B. Jumaniyazova, tayanch doktorant, Urganch Davlat Universiteti, Urganch
Abstract. This article provides information on the results of experimental and laboratory research on the development of the Ispanskaya-73 pumpkin stem, the number and length of the stems.
Keywords: pumpkins, stems, varieties, seeds, plants, palaks, buds.
И.Р. Авазметова, таянч доктoрант, Хоразм Маъмун aкадемияси, Хива
Abstract. The article is the first study of the malacofauna of the Khorezm oasis and provides information on the morphological characteristics, distribution and density of 6 species of terrestrial mollusks distributed in the region.
Keywords: mollusk, malacofauna, conchological, population, dominant.
Б.С.Авутхонов, доцент, Самарқанд давлат университети, Самарқанд
Ф.З.Мажидова, магистр, Самарқанд давлат университети, Самарқанд
Abstract. In the current article presents data on the effect of the rate of mineral fertilizers on the water deficit of Columbus grass. It was established that the main indicators of the water deficit of Columbus grass change during the vegetation of plants and depend on cultivation conditions. The use of fertilizers N200 P140 K100 kg per hectare increases the efficiency of plants using water.
Keywords: Columbus grass, water deficit, vegetation, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus.
Д.Б. Амонова, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Н.К. Ҳамроқулова, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат университети,Бухоро
Р.Р. Рахмонов, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Бухоро
Abstract. This article provides information on the combined effects of red radiation, longwave red radiation, low-frequency electromagnetic fields and phytohormones on the yield of various plants.
Key words: red radiation, electromagnetic field, auxin, phytohоrmon.
С.Б. Бўриев, б.ф.д., профессор, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Л.Т. Юлдошов, таянч докторант, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
А.М. Қобилов, таянч докторант, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Б.Ф. Арипов, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Abstract. The article describes the biological properties and distribution of pistii (Pistia stratiotes L), Azolla (Azolla caroliniana Willd), duckweed (Lemna minor L) from higher aquatic plants. Data are provided on the growth, development, reproduction of higher aquatic plants in the wastewater of a poultry farm and the degree of wastewater treatment from organo-mineral substances.
Key words: Tall aquatic plants, Pistia (Pistia stratiotes L), azolla (Azolla caroliniana Willd), duckweed (Lemna minor L), reproduction, biomass, waste water, pollution, oxygen dissolved in water, organic and mineral substances
Д.Ж. Корабоева, ст.преподаватель, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
У.Б. Равшанова, преподаватель, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
А.А. Тогаев, студент, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
Abstract. The article provides information on the botanical description, pharmacological properties, biological characteristics, the place of crop rotation, soil preparation and fertilizing, as well as on caring for crops, harvesting, drying and storage of raw pharmacy chamomile.
Keywords: seeds, manure, carotene, essential oil, regeneration.
Д.Ж. Қорабоева, катта ўқитувчи, Термиз давлат Университети, Термиз
У.Б. Равшанова, ўқитувчи, Термиз давлат университети, Термиз
А.А. Тоғаев, талаба, Термиз давлат Университети, Термиз
Abstract. The article provides information about medicinal herbs of marshmallow biomorphological, systematic, analysis, their role in medicine and traditional medicine, as well as about growing technology.
Key words: reclamation, seeds, stalk, starch, pectin, fertilizers.
З.М. Кушметов, таянч докторант, Хоразм Маъмун Академияси, Хива
Abstract. In soybean varieties, due to the early stages of development, the need for water or the transpiration rate begins early. The need for water in soybean varieties was observed in late June and early July, and in mid-June, it fluctuated in early and mid-June.
Key words: seed leaves, first three leaves, legume family, inhalation of seeds, respiratory rate.
М.Ш. Рахимов, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Д.З. Мажидова, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Ш.У. Мардонов, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Abstract. This article presents data on the species composition, seasonal distribution, on average, per 1 m2 of shell-mite soils in natural ecosystems in 30 cm soil layers of cotton and wheat agrocenoses in the Sariosiyo region of Surkhandarya region. As a result of studies of cotton and wheat agrocenoses of natural ecosystems of soil layers in April-May, i.e. in the spring, an increased frequency of occurrence was detected compared with the autumn period. The study of the species composition in the Surkhandarya region of the Sariosiyo region in agrocenoses of cotton and wheat revealed 29 species of oribatids. It has been established that 29 species of shell mites belong to 23 genera and 19 families.
Key words: oribatids, agroocenos, soil, seasonal dynamics
Ф.У. Умаров, докторант, Андижон давлат университети, Андижон
А. Пазилов, б.ф.д., проф., Гулистон давлат университети, Гулистон
Аbstract. For the first time, the article identified 9 species of water gastropods that live in the Koradarya of the Ferghana valley, they were given ecological and zoogeographic descriptions.
Keywords: Karadarya, mollusca, biotope, zoogeography
О.Ғ. Хусанова, PhD, Наманган муҳандислик-технология институти, Наманган
И.Ш. Қурбанов, ассистент, Наманган муҳандислик-технология институти, Наманган
Abstract. the article provides information on the types and types of soil aquifers spreading over the hills, Adyrort, as well as in the foothills and mountainous regions of the Northern Ferghana Plain. The species belonging to the department is systematically analyzed and scientifically substantiated.
Key words: algae, division, species, variation, dominant, diatom, region.
Х.К. Яхяев, қ/х.ф.д., проф., Ўсимликларни ҳимоя қилиш илмий тадқиқиот институти, Тошкент
З.Н. Нафасов, PhD, катта илмий ходим, Ўсимликларни ҳимоя қилиш илмий тадқиқиот институти, Тошкент
Н.Ж. Аллаяров, таянч докторант, Ўсимликларни ҳимоя қилиш илмий тадқиқиот институти, Тошкент
Abstract. In an integrated pest control system for forest and ornamental trees, timely implementation of agrotechnical, mechanical, and sanitary measures, as well as biological and chemical control measures, can improve the effectiveness of the protection system.It is possible to provide the forest with construction materials in the field of seeded forestry.
Key words:insect, pest, biotsenoz, agrotechnical, mechanical, sanitary, chemical, bioecology, trichogram, poaching, lacewing.
F.Q. Kamalova, assistant, Andijan branch of Tashkent state agrarian University, Andijan
Abstract. The article deals with the issues of agriculture, the role of consumers and buyers in the development of this direction.
Keywords: agricultural production, quality, safety, communication, food products, food industry, agriculture.
D.A. Khudayberdiyeva, senior teacher, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent
Abstract. In article necessity of application of innovative management for sphere of services is shown.
Keywords: innovative process, innovative marketing, service sphere.
N.U. Maxmasobirova, tayanch doktorant, Toshkent davlat sharqshunoslik instituti, Toshkent
Abstract. This article discusses methodological issues and national models of the formation of economic clusters. In particular, models based on cluster members and their relationships, models of cluster determinants, models by E.Feser, K.Ketels and J.Lindqvist were analyzed. From national models, were studied the features of the liberal, “conductor”, as well as North American, Asian, Japaneseб Finnish, Indian and “Soviet” models of the formation of economic clusters.
Keywords: economic cluster, determinaте-based models, national models, Marshall cluster model, Porter model, hub and spoke model, satellite platform model, US model, Japanese model, Indian model etc.
D.H. Qodirova, teacher, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent
Abstract. this article scientifically substantiates the factors that affect the socio-psychological adaptation of women in market relations.
Keywords: woman, market, adaptation, entrepreneurship.
У.Б. Иманова, ўқитувчи, Термиз давлат университети, Термиз
Abstract. This article highlights the importance of investment and their role in the prospects of mid-term development of local budgets.
Keywords: local budget, investment, economy, market.
Х.М. Исмаилов, докторант, Ташкентский финансовый институт, Ташкент
Abstract. The article discusses the main scientific views on the concept of financial stability of the enterprise, its key features and the presence of key features of the specification. There are a large number of different approaches regarding the theoretical content of the concept of financial stability, which shows that there is no single concept regarding the definition of this concept.
Keywords: enterprise, structure of assets and liabilities, profit, financial counterparties, receipts, financial stability.
Д. Саидов, тадқиқотчи, Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. The article substantiates the need to use benchmarking to increase the competitiveness of national enterprises in the automotive industry. The experience of conducting benchmarking projects by the largest automobile corporations in the world is examined. The need for government support for the spread of benchmarking in Uzbekistan is noted.
Keywords: automotive industry, automotive industry, benchmarking, competitiveness
Д.С. Қодирова, ўқитувчи, Фарғона политехника институти, Фарғона
Abstract. This article covers the actual issues of Personnel Training in the field of Tourism.
Keywords: tourism, educational tourism, manpower training.
А.Ғ. Яқубов, ўқитувчи, Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. The article examines the development trends of retail trade. The Global Retail Development Index identifies the main strategic directions of the countries with the highest ratings.
Keywords: sales, retail, competitiveness, retail turnover, retail businesses, retail innovation, online sales, offline sales.
Р.Б. Анёзов, таянч докторант, Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. In this article we will briefly talk about the composition of the caravan in the development of the system of service on the Central Asian caravan routes during the Middle Ages and the peculiarities of their activity.
Key words: Central Asia, caravan routes, caravanserai, ambassadors, trade, yom (halt), postcommunication, customs, border.
У. Бекимметов, таянч докторант, Хоразм Маъмун Академияси, Хива
Аbstract. The article analyzes the reasons for the forced seizure of wealthy middle classes in the Khorezm villages of the Soviets, and the protests, riots, and the causes of the protest against this policy.
Key words: Ordinance, land owners, wealthy owner, middle class, exile, riots in the villages.
У. Бекимметов, таянч докторант, Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
Аbstract. The article examines the Soviet collectivization, the policy of compulsion in 1929- 35, and its tragic consequences compared to the Khiva Khan's life course.
Key words: Decree, collective farm, chairman, foreman, collective farmer, socialist competition, cotton monoculture, environmental disaster.
Д.М. Жамолова, PhD, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Abstract. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the social life of Turkey and under its influence Saudi Arabia changed. This was manifested in the development of science, in the education system and in the transformation of cities into sights. When pilgrims from Turkestan visit the Kaaba, they were impressed by the reforms and seek to introduce such innovations in their countries. This article analyzes the impact of the lifestyle, education and urban life of the people of Turkey and Saudi Arabia on the social life of the peoples of Turkestan.
Key words: pilgrimage, school, madrasah, mosque, muderris, secular objects, city, consul, woman.
Д.Ш. Қурбанова, PhD, Хоразм вилояти ХТХҚТМО ҲМ, Урганч
Abstract. This article analyzes the research of the ancient history of Khorezm in the second half of the XIX century. It was also analyzed that ancient written sources on the history of this period were not available to us, mainly due to ethnographic data.
Keywords: Khorezm, culture, spirituality, religion, archeology, ethnography, monuments, manuscripts, customs, rituals, legends, poems.
Н.Э. Сабирова, PhD, Хоразм ВХТХҚТМОҲМ, Урганч
Abstract. This article will tell you about the historical roots of Khorezm's Khalifah. There are also opinions on the traditions of khalfa in the Khorezm oasis, the early stages and development of khalfa.
Key words: Caliphate traditions, history of khalfa, khalfa, life, caliph, classification of khalfa.
С.С. Суюнов, т.ф.н., к.и.х., ЎзР ФА Миллий археология маркази, Тошкент,
Ҳ.Ў. Раҳмонов, кичик илмий ходим, ЎзР ФА Миллий археология маркази, Тошкент
Аbstract. This article is devoted to the results of archaeological research of the Bulungur region. After conducting research, 92 tepas, the remains of ancient hills and mounds were examined and identified. All monuments were marked on the archaeological map of Bulungur district. In addition, the remains of ancient irrigation networks were examined and identified, and irrigated land areas were determined. Our materials indicate that the area of irrigated lands north of Zeravshan in the Middle Ages was three times larger than in antiquity.
Key words: Bulun-Kur district, Ak-tepa, Karaarik, Yangibesh, Akarik, Akhtambulak, Karabkibulak, Mirzabulak, artificial irrigation, bulugar.
К.Т. Тошов, ўқитувчи, Термиз давлат университети, Термиз
Annotation: In the article, the author through archival materials highlights the contribution of the population of the Surkhan oasis to the victory over fascism during the Second World War, talks about the material aid sent to the front, as well as the patriotism of the people in the rear of the front.
Keywords: front, rear of the front, warm clothes, food, defense, savings, material means, war, kindness.
З.Н. Хатамова, ўқитувчи, Фарғона политехника институти, Фарғона
Abstract. The article presents a comparative analysis of the different aspects and similarities of the tax system, which is the basis of the economic life of the two states – Bukhara and Kokkan khanates, which occupy an important place in the history of Uzbek statehood.
Keywords: history, еax, treasure, devon, khan.
M.J. Ashirmatova, teacher, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent
Abstract. The article discusses the methodological work on the assimilation of terms as one of the most important components of the educational process. The need for the formation of future specialists in the agrarian sphere of skills in working with literature in Russian is recognized. The terminological composition in the agricultural sphere is considered. The stages of work on the formation of terminological abilities and skills are noted.
Keywords: Russian language, terms, terminology, agricultural, student
Kh.A. Djabborova, EFL teacher, Karshi State University, Karshi
Abstract. This article discusses teaching text translation, editing literary and scientific texts in foreign languages. And the extracts of text translation taken from Baburnoma were compared with the translations in English equivalents to the cultural words in Uzbek.
Key words: text translation, literary text, scientific text, political text, cultural text
E. Djumaniyozova, teacher, Tashkent Architecture – Construction Institute, Tashkent
Abstract. The article provides a brief description of the relevance of learning English, dictated by modern society.
Keywords: English language, linguistic Sciences, English in modern society, primary education, modern English.
E. Djumaniyozova, teacher, Tashkent Architecture – Construction Institute, Tashkent
Abstract. This article is devoted to the review of the levels of proficiency in foreign language grammar in a non-linguistic University.
Keywords: grammar, foreign language, learning process, reception, syntactic relations, text.
N.A. Ergasheva, senior teacher, Navoi State Mining Institute, Navoi
Abstract. This article discusses the analysis and testing of the linguistic features of mountain terminology. The research material was lexical units with the subject of mountain terminology. We will analyze and test the main ways of forming terms of this topic.
Keywords: analysis, term, mining, development
J. Ermetova, senior teacher, Urgench State University, Urgench
N.F. Abdullayeva, junior, Urgench State University, Urgench
Annotation. This article sets out the methodological foundations for technology enhanced methods of teaching writing of English language in the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom.
Key words: writing, brainstorming, planning, drafting,editing, categories of writing, levels of writing, word count, coherence and cohesion, task achievement.
S.O. Hodjaeva, teacher, UzSWLU, Tashkent
Abstract. The article discusses the concept of "blended learning" and its main components. The advantages of using the technology of blended learning in the process of teaching a foreign language in comparison with the traditional model of education and its effectiveness in modern education are analyzed.
Key words: blended learning, foreign language teaching, traditional model of education, independent learning, online learning.
J.K. Komilov, teacher, Kokand branch of Tashkent State Technical University, Kokand
Abstract. The article informs about the ancient signs which were used in communication and the origin of structuring the alphabet, the usage of this system by different peoples and nations. Specifically, the article highlights the emergence of Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Greek alphabet adopted by the Phoenicians, and the Aramaic script, the usage of different types of scripts by various peoples to reach successful communication.
Key words: alphabetic system, hieroglyphs, symbol, script, sound representation, pictograms, writing characters.
Z.R. Shomurodova, senior teacher, Navoi State Mining Institute, Navoi
Abstract. The research in this article is the benefits of teaching English to students of a technical university. It justifies the importance and advantages of teaching in the current realities and reveals the main features of the benefits of teaching as a type of technical activity. Particular attention is paid to the organization of the process and the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of this type of study for a technician in comparison with work in technical educational institutions. The novelty of the article also lies in the fact that it highlights and argues the advantages and disadvantages of this work for the teacher.
Keywords: teaching, English, competence, communication, teacher, objective.
Z.K. Yodgorova, EFL teacher, Karshi State University, Karshi
Abstract. Using technology in language learning and teaching has become the perfect tool in reaching proficiency and fluency and English lessons accompanied by technological support are the most effective for students who want to be successful in their language learning. In this article, the methods of using ICT with the help of some educational platforms and software programs which can be used effectively in language teaching and learning are discussed.
Key words: computers, ICT, educational platform, software program, language teaching, language learning, Interactive white board
М.Т. Ғозиева, катта ўқитувчи, Тошкент давлат техника университети, Тошкент
Abstract. During the English lesson appears for professional orienting specialty some difficulties by translate, learning special and technical texts. However, was composed in this article matter is about to act sequence by learning special and technical texts in technical colleges, and provides some examples as a solution.
Keywords: energy terms and terms by profession, methods of translation linguistics, lexical consistency, translation of phrases.
Н.М. Ибрагимова, старший преподаватель, Университет журналистики и массовых коммуникаций Узбекистана, Ташкент
Abstract. The article describes important theoretical categories such as language, poetics, and genre of the language of modern media. In turn, the author suggests dividing the genres of virtual and social networks into four groups: informational, analytical, artistic and publicistic (essay, sketch, essay), and satirical.
Key words: category, language, genre, works, poetics, information, artistic and journalistic networks.
А.У. Курбонов, мустақил тадқиқотчи, Самарқанд давлат университети, Самарқанд
Abstract. The article presents opinions of Zeki Velidi Togan about about Navai. The moments of Navai's youth, his mentors and works about him are described. The political life of poet and his contribution to the Turkic language are mentioned in the article. And some information about Navai's attitude to Art and his works is given.
Keywords: Navai, Turkic, politics, Khamsa, Art, encyclopedia, Herat.
Д.Т. Пардаева, ўқитувчи, Тошкент давлат техника университети, Тошкент
Abstract. The article deals with the problems of translation encountered in technical higher educational institutions of specialization in English language methodology, especially uzluksiz continuous teaching, and some examples as its solution.
Keywords: terminology, technical translation, energy terms, sectoral dictionary, phrases.
Д.Т. Пардаева, ўқитувчи, Тошкент давлат техника университети, Тошкент
Abstract. In the article, the problems of the method encountered in English language teaching especially tilni continuous teaching in technical universities in the specialty are considered and some examples are given as its solution.
Keywords: terminology, technical translation, energy terms , sectoral dictionary, phrases.
Л. Самандарова, ўқитувчи, ТАТУ Урганч филиали, Урганч
Abstract. The article draws attention to the fact that the first forms of dramatic works appeared in folklore and analyzes the analytical folklore used in Erkin Samandar’s ethnographic drama “Come When the Apple Ripens”.
Key words: Erkin Samandar, “Come when the apple ripened”, drama, folklore.
И.Умрзақов, катта ўқитувчи, Наманган давлат университети, Наманган
Abstract. This article provides information about the style of artistic development of reality in the process of creating a literary work, the unique skill in the choice of material and visual means of William Faulkner, who wrote novels in the direction of literary modernism and the interrelated depiction of time and space, present and past in the author's works, reveals the importance of increasing the attractiveness of his novels.
Key words: style, image, modernism, objective reality, artistic model, plot, artistic image structure, flow of consciousness analysis, time and space
Н.А. Шералиева, ўқитувчи, Қўқон давлат педагогика институти, Қўқон
Abstract. This article deals with the complementary connection in the translation process - the interrelationship between texts with the help of additions arising from the nature of the text - a note, comment, author or translator to fully preserve the meaning of the original text.
Key words: translation, complementary communication, note, comment, translator
I.Ismayilova, q/x.f.n., Urganch davlat universiteti, Urganch
Abstract. This article discusses the influence of the water-nutrient regime, the density of standing on the fruit elements of the sown cotton varieties “Khorezm-127”, “Omad” in the conditions of the Khorezm region.
Key words: root, growth, mineral source, agricultural type, water mode, plant density.
Х.К. Алланов, қ/х.ф.н., доцент, ПСУЕАИТИ, Тошкент
Abstract. The influence of irrigation and nutrition application scheduling and plant density on water productivity of long staple cotton varieties in the condition of takyr soils of Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya provinces were presented in article.
Keywords: irrigation, feeding, water consumption, cotton, variety
Н.Ҳ. Дурдиев, қ/х.ф.ф.д., Пахта селекцияси, уруғчилиги ва етиштириш агротехнологиялари илмий-тадқиқот институти, Тошкент
Д. Баханова, катта ўқитувчи, Тошкент давлат педагогика университети, Тошкент
Abstract. The paper presents materials related to impact of irrigation and nutrition application scheduling on seed quality and seed-lint yield of upland cotton varieties С- 8294(Gurlan) and Khorezm-150 which were grown for seed production.
Key words: irrigation and nutrition application scheduling, cotton seed quality, seed-lint yield.
С.Я. Исламов, профессор, Тошкент Давлат Аграр Университети, Тошкент
Р.Б. Сейилбеков, стажёр-тадқиқотчи, Тошкент Давлат Аграр Университети Нукус филиали, Нукус
Abstract. The hanging power of quince seedlings is achieved by grafting on different welds. Effect of soil climatic conditions on hanging and development of native Aromatny, Izobilny, Savhozny, Samarkandsky Krupnoplodny, Nativ Kromsky aromatic, Varieties by using native A-type welds in quince. When the welding was done in the third decade of July, the shoots showed a 35-62 cm in crease.
Keywords: quince, variety, soil, climate, salinity, growth, welding, development, branch, bud.
Ш.Ю. Кадиров, қ/х.ф.н., к.и.х., Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
Ф.Қ. Жуманиязов, кичик илмий ходим, Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
У.К. Абдурахимов, кичик илмий ходим, Хоразм Маъмун академияси, Хива
Abstract. This article is devoted to the issues of growing a new variety of cotton Niyat in the conditions of sandy soils of the Tuprakkalinsky district
Keywords: cotton variety, seed, sandy soil, sowing date, seedlings, real leaf
Ж.Ж. Қўчқоров, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Р.М. Музафаров, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article highlights the experiments on the study of the technological process of workman’s softening disks, the shape of a drawing prism, changes in hardness, volumetric weight, soil aggregate composition, field surface alignment and change in traction resistance of the unit at different speeds of its movement.
Key words: grader, spherical disc, speed, tensile strength, soil size, fraction, leveling quality.
Р. Мадримов, катта илмий ходим, ГИДРОИНГЕОинститути ДК, Тошкент
Т. Матқурбонов, ўқитувчи, Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. The article considers the evolutionary development of brown soils that formed in the Tertiary period in the Khorezm region, as well as the influence of irrigation and anthropogenic factors on soil formation processes.
Keywords: Mesozoic and Cenozoic era, Unguz Arti, Toshsoqa plateau, Daudan, Daryoliq river, Protected brown soils, elliptical, deluvial sandstones.
Ж.Ж. Пиримов, катта ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
С.Ў. Бобожонов, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
М.С. Сайдуллаева, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article is devoted to updating cadastral maps using photogrammetric methods.
Key words: geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry, sounding, geographic information systems, database
Ж.Ж. Пиримов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article provides ways and guidelines for the use of advanced technologies in the implementation of geodetic and GIS work.
Key words. geodesy, geoinformatics, technology, project, technology, GPS.
Д.К. Рашидова, д.с.х.н., с.н.с., научно-исследовательский институт селекции, семеноводства и агротехнологии выращивания хлопка, Ташкент
Ш.Б. Амантурдиев, к.с.х.н., докторант, Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, Ташкент
С.Ш. Рашидова, академик, Институт химии и физики полимеров АН РУЗ, Тошкент
Ш.Т. Шарипов, PhD, с.н.с., научно-исследовательский институт селекции, семеноводства и агротехнологии выращивания хлопка, Ташкент
Ш.Т. Абдурахманов, м.н.с., научно-исследовательский институт селекции, семеноводства и агротехнологии выращивания хлопка, Ташкент
Abstract. The effect of nanopreparations on the seed properties of propagated varieties of cotton is studied. For research, the cotton variety Andijan-36 was used, which is sown on the Ok- Suv farm. The seeds of indo-sampling of the harvest of 2017 were taken and sown in 2018, as a nursery of the first year. In 2019, the collected families of the nursery of the first year were sown in the nursery of the second year. The data obtained for two years of research showed that the use of nanopolymer preparations has a positive effect on the growth, development and productivity of plants, does not affect the varietal qualities of seeds and have a certain degree of plant protection from diseases. It was proposed to use the following nanopolymer preparations for encapsulation: PMCСu2+Ag7:3(Polymer metal complex), PMCСu2+Ag8:2, nanochitosan and nanoascorbate chitosan, which showed higher yields compared to the control and the standard.
Key words: laboratory and field germination, phenological observations, nanopolymers, varietal purity, growth, development, productivity.
С.М. Ташкулов, преподаватель, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
Abstract. On the basis of the carried-out research with potato and cabbage crops. Found that can be used as a fertilizer with other nitrogen fertilizer on crops of cabbage and potatoes.
Key words: fosfomochevina, cabbage, potatoes and harvest.
И.У. Уразбаев, б.ф.д., Гулистон давлат университети, Гулистон
Н.К. Машарипов, докторант, ТашДАУ, Тошкент
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of changes in the physical and chemical properties of gray-earth meadow soils of the Mirzachul oasis as a result of increased hydromorphism and changes in the water regime of soils that occurred due to the development of the oasis. In addition, the authors of the article describe the conditions for the emergence of irrigated gray-earth-meadow soils of different degrees of salinity in areas where in ancient times rainfed light-gray soils were widespread.
Keywords: above sea level, climate, continental, subsoil water, territory, soil profile, hydromorphism, light earth, light serozem, serozem-meadow soil.
N. Avezov, postgraduate students, National university of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
J.N. Qutlimurotov, postgraduate students, Tashkent Isntitute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers’s, Tashkent
Abstract. To learn the role and the importance of cadaster maps in creating and supervising government cadasters.
Key words: cadaster, property right, the single system of a state cadaster, cadaster drawing, cadaster objects, cadaster maps.
G.R. Ishankulova, teacher, Navoi State Mining Institute, Navoi
Abstract. The main goal of this work is the use of pedagogical psychological patterns in the formation of professional competence of a future engineer. The form of organization of the educational process of higher professional education is normatively fixed in the federal state educational standard.
Keywords: student, engineer, competence, pedagogical- psychological
Yu.A. Matyakubova, q/x.f.n., Urganch davlat Universiteti, Urgаnch
M.A. Abdullayeva, o’qituvchi, Urganch ixtisoslashtirilgan olimpiya zaxiralari maktab internati
Abstraсt. This article explores the benefits of using insect classroom techniques in the teaching and use of insights in teaching.
Key words: insects, saprophages, parasites, coprophages, underdevelopment phase, full development phase, types of nutrition.
M. Shukurov, o’qituvchi, O’zDJTSU, Tashkent
Abstract. Increased competition in sports competitions puts great demands on not only the physical and technical training of athletes, but also the ability to manage their emotional state in the conditions of responsible competitions.
Keywords: wrestler, pedagogy, morality, education, pedagogical skill, competition, training.
D.K.Toshpulatova, o‘qituvchi, TDPU, Toshkent A. Shodmonova, o‘qituvchi, TDPU, Toshkent
Abstract. The article identifies the role of the use of interactive methods in improving the process of primary education. The use of interactive methods in improving the process of primary education includes "Four Sides", "About me", "Tree" methods are given.
Keywords: interactive methods, «Four Sides», «About Me», «Tree».
Г.Т. Исламова, преподаватель, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет, Ташкент
А.Г. Саидова, студент, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет, Ташкент
Л.Э. Салковская, студент, Ташкентский государственный педагогический университет, Ташкент
Abstract. The pedagogical system of formation of spiritual and moral qualities at younger school children and short recommendations about its realization in practice is presented in article.
Keywords: Spiritual and moral qualities; criteria and levels of their learning at younger school children; social pedagogical conditions.
Н.М. Каримова, старший преподаватель, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
К.В. Каримова, преподаватель, Термезский государственный университет, Термез
Abstract. The article is devoted to the actual problem of functional impairment of voice in children. The leading causes of this voice pathology are emotional and physical overload, voice boost during speech and singing. The mechanism of voice disorders, depending on the nature of the changes in the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx, as well as in connection with this change in the nasopharyngeal resonator. The stages of work to restore and develop voice in children and adolescents are considered.
Кеу words: voice, children’s voice, larynx, voice development, deforming singing, voice function disorders, aphonia, dysphonia.
А.Н. Кодиров, ўқитувчи, Наманган Мухандислик - Технология Институти, Наманган
М.М. Нигматов, доцент, Наманган Мухандислик - Технология Институти, Наманган
Abstract. This article covers such issues as the application of innovative technologies in the educational process.
Keywords: innovation, pedagogical technology, teacher – student, ICT.
Ю.А. Матякубова, к.с/х.н., Ургенчский государственный университет, Ургенч
С.К. Юсупова, преподаватель, академический лицей при ТМА, Ургенч
Abstrakt. This article gives the reader interesting information about the diversity of sperm using visual methods, their structure, and the record of spiders.
Key words: silk species, helixera, pedipalpa, venom, dimorphism, arachnophobia, cannibalism.
Д.М. Махмудова, п.ф.ф.д. (PhD), Ўзбекистон Миллий Университети, Тошкент
Abstract. By teaching young people how to solve problems, their creative scientific ideas can be developed. This article is devoted to the problems and opportunities for the development of scientific activity of students and their creative competence in solving non-standard problems.
Keywords: creative component, independent creative thinking, problematic task.
Х.А. Муратов, ўқитувчи, Қарши давлат университети, Қарши
Abstract. This article can be useful as a source of reference in the study of the issue of the formation of civil activity of young people in the system of Higher Education on the basis of a systematic-functional approach, the achievement of the quality and effectiveness of education.
Keywords: Civilization, intelligence, spiritual responsibility, democratic society, convention, terrorism, extremism.
S.S. Majidov, teacher, Namangan Engineering – Construction Institute, Namangan
Abstract. In this article highlights of people's diplomacy is gaining a significant role in solving international problems.
Key words: people's diplomacy, international relations, nationality.
S.S. Majidov, teacher, Namangan Engineering – Construction Institute, Namangan
Abstract. In this article highlights the role of people's diplomacy in the system of international relations.
Key words: people's diplomacy, national harmony, cultural centers, international relations.
И.М. Бурхонов, ўқитувчи, Фарғона политехника институти, Фарғона
Annotation. The article discusses the administrative policy and governance rules implemented in Uzbekistan, and analyzes the advantages of administrative management introduced in Japan, which can be applied in Uzbekistan, using foreign experience.
Keywords: Governance, Japan, discipline, development, monopoly, foreign policy.
F.R. Jumanazarova, teacher, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent
Sh.U. Ochilov, master student, Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent
Abstract. A windpumping unit with mechanical transmission of rotating moment from windengine to the rotor of regulated lamellar pump is considered in the given article. The example of automatic system, producing the linking up of the windpumping unit to the pipe-line and disconnecting from it, is given.
Key words: windpumping, energy, pipeline.
A.A. Khaldjigitov, director, Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Samarkand
U.Z. Djumayozov, teacher, Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Samarkand
G.K. Artikbaeva, senior researcher, Khorezm academy of Mamun, Khiva
Abstract. In this article a numerical method for solving the boundary value problems of ordinary and partial differential equations is proposed. The essence of which is the construction of finite-difference equations resolved with respect to the searching quantities and using the iterative process. For example, in the case of the elasticity boundary value problems, the constructed three finite-difference equations should be solved with respect to uijk, vijk, wijk and to organize iteration process taking into account the boundary conditions and trivial initial values. As an example, a second-order ordinary differential equation and also elastic and thermoelastic boundary-value problems with different boundary conditions are solved.
Keywords: boundary value problem, numerical method, finite-difference equations, iterative method, boundary conditions
M.R. Pulotova, assistant, Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Bukhara
H.I. Nurullayev, student, Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Bukhara
Abstract. The article describes the characteristics of a specific problem situation that occurs in production processes or in the production system, while the initial data are used in the process of preparing and making decisions in the management process. Examples of the use of relevant data to solve processing problems that require the organization of the replacement of defective tools and the installation of technological equipment when implementing the tasks of repair shops (TRSh) as a function of the TRSh in technological processes.
Key words: production system; problem situation; methods of preparing and making managerial decisions; specialized system of problem situation recognition
Б.Б. Аслонов, старший преподаватель, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Бухара
Abstract. The article describes the disadvantages and advantages of wastewater treatment methods and describes a method for producing a composite coal adsorbent.
Key words: wastewater treatment, adsorption method, brown coal, Angren coal.
Ф.Н. Ашуров, ўқитувчи, БухМТИ, Бухоро С.Ш. Исматов, доцент, БухМТИ, Бухоро
А.И. Нажмиддинов, талаба, БухМТИ, Бухоро А.Ф. Саидов, талаба, БухМТИ, Бухоро
Abstract. The vegerable oil is got through pressing and extraction, is refined step by step and deodorizated. Recently at some factories the oil is being produced from highquality sunflower seeds. In order to use productive power fully and enrich the production types soyabean is being bought through import. Soya rest after being reproduced is the nutritious meal for cattle and poultry. The seeds of fruits, vegetables and field products which are the rest of canneries are used to produce expensive types of consumer oils.
Key words: refining, alkalI, soaps, glicerine, mayonnaise, oil acids, margarine, synthetic washing means, different lacquers, paints, cotton seeds, optimal concentration, qualitative oil, neutral oil, sodium hydroxide, electromagnetic field.
М.Дж. Зарипова, катта ўқитувчи, Бухоро муҳандислик-технология институти, Бухоро
Abstract. This article describes methods for collecting, sorting and processing household waste in the Bukhara region.
Key words: household waste, secondary resource, landfill, biogas, waste processing equipment.
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
А.М. Абдуллоев, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article provides ways and guidelines for the use of advanced technologies in the implementation of geodetic and GIS work.
Key words: Geodesy, geoinformatics, technology, project, pasture.
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
А.М. Абдуллоев, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article provides ways and guidelines for the use of advanced technologies in the implementation of geodetic and GIS work.
Key words. geodesy, geoinformatics, technology, project, pasture.
А.М. Тешабоев, катта ўқитувчи, Фарғона политехника институти, Фарғона
Abstract. This article describes the effects of electric current on the human body, its consequences, as well as methods of providing first aid to victims of electric current.
Key words: influence of electric current, electric burns, first aid, precautionary measures, protective equipment.
Н.Н. Турсунова, докторант, Бухарский инженерно-технологический института, Бухара
Ш. Шарипова, студент, Бухарский инженерно-технологический институт, Бухара
Abstract. The article describes non-standard and promising methods for the integrated use of raw materials from food production and non-waste processing of the resulting secondary resources.
Key words: food industry, waste, secondary raw materials, processing, environmental protection.