ISSN 2091-573X

Certificate: № 13-023

Archive journals

Vol. 2_1, 2020

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Х.Х. Абдиназаров, (PhD), доц., Қўқон Давлат педагогика институти, Қўқон
А.Э. Кучбоев, б.ф.д., проф. ЎзФА Зоология институти, Тошкент
М.Ж. Мадумаров, мустақил тадқиқотчи, Қўқон Давлат педагогика институти, Қўқон
Abstract. The article presents data from scientific studies on the importance of Daphnia magna species of zooplankton organisms for the natural nutritional value of fish during budding, under conditions of its cultivation and nutritional value and economic productivity.
Key words: zooplactone, daphnia magna, fishing, natural food, artificial food, food, nutritional value.
Д.Ш. Бердиева, ўқитувчи, Жизах политехника институти, Жиззах
Abstract. In the 60-70s of the last century in the Jizzakh region there were 5000 liters of drinking water per capita, now it is 2500 liters. According to experts, if it were a waste of unreasonable use of this priceless gift, by 2050 this figure could drop to 1,500 liters. That is why it is very important to use groundwater in industrial production.
Key words: groundwater, natural water sources, drinking water, water resources, wastewater, pollutants, artesian wells, national economy.
А.И. Искандаров, магистр, Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
К.Ш. Тожибаев, академик, ЎзР ФА Ботаника институти, Тошкент
З.И. Бектурдиева, ўқитувчи, Урганч шаҳар 29-сон мактаб, Урганч
Abstract. The article provides information about the tulip species of Uzbekistan.
Key words: Peduncle, tepal, stamen, anther, ovary, stigma, style, capsule.
Б.А. Мўминов, б.ф.н., доц., Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
М.С. Зокирова, ўқитувчи, Андижон Давлат университети, Андижон
Abstract. The present study describes the morphobioecological features of the fauna of dragonfly (Insecta: Odonata) in the natural landscapes of the Fergana Valley of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Two subgroups, 5 families, and 9 species have been identified in the study areas: Sympecma fusca, Calopteryx virgo, Calopteryx splendens, Ischnura elegans, Anax parthenope, Anax emperor, Sympetrum vulgatum, Orthetrum cancelatum, Orthetrum brunne.
Keywords: Insecta, Odonata, dragonfly, imago, larva, fauna, biodiversity, Ferghana Valley, Sympecma fusca, Calopteryx virgo, Ischnura elegans, Anax parthenope, Anax emperor, Sympetrum vulgatum, Orthetrum cancelatum, Orthetrum brunne.
М.А. Саидов, преподаватель, Гулистанский государственный университет, Гулистан
Аbstract. Among the zoological studies currently being conducted in our country, faunistic work has also risen to the most important level. Because, the preservation of biodiversity in the process of transformation on natural ecosystems as a result of the impact of anthropogenic forces is one of the main tasks facing that is not only for our country, but also the world community. It is worth noting that at present, the study of the ecology, biology and life cycle of mollusks remains open not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia. Therefore, this article examines the environmental features of terrestrial mollusks in the Akhangaran basin, which are divided into hydrophilic, mesophilic and xerophilic groups depending on the moisture content in living biotopes and these groups, respectively
Key words: Ahangaran basin, environmental characteristics, anthropogenic, hydrophilic, mesophilic, xerophilic, mesoxerophilic, cryomesoxerophilic
А.А. Юлдашев, таянч докторант, Андижон давлат университети, Андижон
М. Ф. Абзалов, б.ф.д., профессор, Ўз РФА Генетика ва ўсимликлар экспериментал биологияси институти, Тошкент
Abstract. To determine the genetic nature of the process of inheriting the shape of leaves in cotton, we conducted observations by hybridization in various combinations of plants with leaves of a whole (lanceolate, ovate, rounded), tripartite (three-lobed, three-divided, three-dissected) and five-divided (palmate, palmate, divided, palmate) forms in F1, F2, Fb. When forming the leaf shape, the Ol gene is analyzed with different series. The genes of S-s controlling the type of fruit branches in the dominant-homozygous, heterozygous state of the non-genuine, recessive-homozygous state led to the limiting type of fruit-branch forms.
Keywords: genetic systems, phenotype, genotype, demorphism, sympodial, monopodial, mutant, hybrids.
Sh.B. Adizov, o’qituvchi, Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti Buxoro filiali, Buxoro
S.R. Asatov, o’qituvchi, Toshkent irrigatsiya va qishloq xo’jaligini mexanizatsiyalash muhandislari instituti Buxoro filiali, Buxoro
Abstract. The article contains long-term information on agricultural products produced in recent years by existing farmers, dekhkan farms and land owners, recommendations on the effective use of household plots.
Key words. Consumer goods, drought, land reclamation, farm, dekhan farm, household.
С.Ҳ. Исаев, қ/ҳ.ф.д.,проф., ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ҳ.Х. Сафарова, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Х.А. Саноев, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. The article highlights the high productivity of water and resource-saving and environmentally friendly soil-watering technologies for mung beans cultivation in phytomeloration activities under different saline soils..
Key words: Productive, local types of mung beans, mineral, monoculture, phytomeloration, naturally, saline soils.
М.М. Курбонов, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
О.Х. Эргашева, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Д.Ю. Маҳкамова, ўқитувчи, Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Abstract. Nowadays one the current issues in the global ecological crisis are rising in the world are increase soil productivity and using them reasonable and effective, protection process of degradation.
Keywords: Soil degradation, reclamation, pollution, fertility, humus content, biological methods, microorganisms, biologically active substances, fungi, organic compounds, actinomycetes.
З.З. Қодиров, докторант, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
М.С. Мизомов, ўқитувчи, БухМТ, Бухоро
З.И. Насруллаев, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ш.Ғ. Фозилов, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article outlines the impact of soybeans cultivation period and quantity to the development and productivity of soybeans under specific ameliorative soil conditions of the Bukhara region. In this article, the influence of the cultivation quantity to the fertility is scientifically based on experiments that have been conducted.
Key words: Irrigated since the ancient times, prone to salinization, grassy alluvial soil, Limited Field Moisture Capacity (LFMC), soil mass, water permeability, fertility of soybeans.
Қодиров З.З., докторант, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Х.А. Саноев, талаба, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ш.Б. Джўраев, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article aims at achieving high level of fertility using resource-saving irrigation technologies in the irrigation of varieties of soybeans such as Uzbek-6 and Nafis. In the condition of grassy alluvial irrigated soils of Bukhara region, that are prone to salinization since the ancient times, it is recommended to grow soybeans when pre-soil moisture level (on average sandy soils) reaches 70-60-70 % compared to the Limited Field Moisture Capacity (LFMC), irrigation system should be 1-2-1, irrigation rate in the growing and flowering phase should be 815 m3/ha, irrigation norms for flowering and legume sprouting phases should equal to 1000-1200 m3/ha, and also irrigation with water of the seasonal irrigation rate of 3615 m3/hais recommended.
Key words: Irrigation, sandy, legume, grassy, alluvial, salinization, technology.
Б.Ш. Матякубов, д.с/х.н., Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизация сельского хозяйства, Ташкент
О.У. Муродов, стажер-преподаватель, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского института ирригации и инженеров механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
Б.С. Каттаев, студент, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского Института Инженеров Ирригации и Механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
М.К. Сайлиханова, студент, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского Института Инженеров Ирригации и Механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
Abstract. The article provides experimental work in the field to determine the irrigation rate of cotton. Irrigation rates were determined using the methodology of the Research Institute of Breeding, Seed Production and Agrotechnology of Cotton Growing (RIBSPACG) and FAO. In order to determine the optimal irrigation rate of cotton, compared to the production control, the maximum field moisture capacity of the soil in the following soil moisture was 70-70-60%, 70-80-60% and 70-80-60% (30% more than the norm).Irrigation and irrigation norms were determined according to the FAO methods, according to the CROPWAT and Aqua Crop programs, as well as according to empirical formulas. To obtain 1 centner of raw cotton, 70.8 - 91.0 m3 (70-80-60% lowest humidity (LH)) were used. In production control, this indicator amounted to 159.1 - 164.7 m3), which is 73.7-88.3 m3 / c more than in the optimal version, where the maximum field moisture content of soil moisture content was 70-80-60% LH. Comparing both methods in calculating water consumption, the correlation coefficient was: 0.76-0.94.
Key words: Extreme field moisture capacity (FMC), cotton, irrigation regime, water productivity, productivity, CROPWAT and Aqua Crop.
Г.М. Сатипов., проф., Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
С.Х. Бабаджанова, доц., Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
З.Р. Тажиев, қ/х.ф.н., Урганч давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. The article shows the preparation of cucumber varieties for planting in unheated greenhouses, the timing of planting, the thickness of the seedlings, the order of watering, fertilizer rates and high productivity agro technology and cost-effectiveness.
Key words: Fertilizer rate, water supply, planting time, thickness of seedlings, economic efficiency.
Ф.Ш. Худойбердиев, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article discusses the weaknesses and improvements in the use of pastures, which are a cheap and affordable source of nutrition.
Keywords: forage, pasture, mountain, hill, livestock, poultry, fishing
Ф.Ш. Худойбердиев, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article describes the current state, use and improvement of pasture use, which constitute the bulk of the land fund of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including agricultural land.
Keywords: land fund, pasture, efficiency, measures
Sh.A. Mengliev, PhD, Termiz davlat universiteti, Termiz
S.Q. Shonazarov, o‘qituvchi, Termiz davlat universiteti, Termiz
Abstract. The article analyses some questions of using methods of cryptography for protecting the information. And so is given using one of the methods.
Key words: protection of information, public key, private key.
Н.А. Дускараев, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Т.О. Жураев, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Ж. Абдийхамидов, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Abstract. The finite element method is based on the fact that the pipe section is divided into many fragments (elements) within each of which a simple known distribution of voltages (displacements) is allowed, then the total energy is calculated
Key words. pipeline elements, deformable medium, trunk pipelines, consumer, incessant soil, monitoring system, parallel plane
Т.О. Жураев, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Ш.Р. Ахмедов, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Д. Рахмонов, преподаватель, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Abstract. This paper focuses on the second of the set tasks - the assessment of stresses in pipelines, taking into account the data obtained as a result of theoretical studies of similar objects.
Key words: deformable medium, main pipelines, consumers, incessant ground, monitoring system, parallel plane.
С.Н. Садирова, катта ўқитувчи, БухМТИ, Бухоро
Н.И. Алиева, ассистент, БухМТИ, Бухоро
Н.И. Нуритов, талаба, БухМТИ, Бухоро
С.С. Шарипов, талаба, БухМТИ, Бухоро
Аnnotation: In this article considered using the innovation technologys of karakul skin, their chemical analyses, the results of IK-spektroscopy analyses and advantages of this method.
Key words: karakul skin, pickling process, milky production retreat – thrusting, thrusting composition, carbohydrate component, mucopolysaccharides.
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article provides tips for developing field coding results in AutoCAD Civil 3D software and the benefits of this software.
Key words: Field, AutoCAD Civil 3D, picket, application, technology, topography.
Ш.Я. Сатторов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Э.Қ. Каримов, ўқитувчи, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article presents recommendations for building a project based on leveling and its processing in AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Key words. Leveling instrument, AutoCAD Civil 3D, picket, project, profile, technology, topography.