ISSN 2091-573X

Certificate: № 13-023

Archive journals

Vol. 1, 2020

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М.С. Эгамбердиев, доцент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. Study by action physical processes, temperature and complex additives, preparation of high-quality monolithic concrete structures.
Калит сўзлар: Қуйма бетон, масса ўтказув, физик жараёнлар, қўшимча , комплекс қўшимча,бетон қоришмаси, адсорбция, ички энергия.
М.С. Эгамбердиев, доцент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. It is dedicated to study the interference of mass circulation to the process of formulation and formation of concrete.
Key words: capillary, mass transfer, diffusion, diffusion coefficient, dry mixture, moisture density, molecular chaotic behavior, contact method.
X.U. Bekchanov, b.f.n. dots. Urganch davlat universiteti, Urganch
M.X.Bekchanova, doktorant, Xorazm Ma’mun Akademiyasi, Xiva
Abstract: The article gives information about the contents of a new tupe of nocturnal butterflies that inhabit on the true of Lower Amudarya state biosphere reservation
Key words: Species, insect, nocturnal, lepidoptera, biodiversity, thicket, bioecology.
S.B. Bo’riyev, biologiya fanlari doktori, professor, Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro
E.B. Jalolov, tayanch doktorant (PhD), Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro
H.S. Ikromova, talaba, Buxoro davlat universiteti, Buxoro
Abstract: The article contains scientific and practical information on the methods of collecting, identifying and reproducing high-water aquatic plants that belong to an environmental group of herapathites. There is valuable information on the scientific and practical solutions for improving fish productivity using high-quality biologically active species as fish feeds in pond fish farms.
Key words: aquaculture, biotechnology, pool, fish, high-water plants, food, water
S.A. Toshpo`latova, Jizzax politexnika instituti, Jizzax
O.X. Jo`rayeva, Jizzax politexnika instituti, Jizzax
Annotation: To create scientific bases of «green wall» and «vertical garden» are important in our country. It is economical, ecological, sociological, aesthetics, spiritual benefit and profit to build alive walls or vertical gardens.
Key words: green wall, vertical garden, bio wall, urbanization, ecotourism, Eco cities, «sick building syndrome», ecological problems.
К.К. Дауылбаева, Каракалпакский научно-исследовательский институт естественных наук ККО АН РУз, Нукус
З.У. Бекбергенова, Нукусский филиал Ташкентского государственного аграрного университета, Нукус
Abstract. In given article is considered some particularities biotopic distribution stafilinidy in different parts of the under-investigation region, where were shown main groups inhabiting and dominant types in them. In presented ecological groups rove beetles.
Kew words: beetles-staphylinidae, biotops, South Aral Sea region, distribution, places of residence, ecology.
Б.К. Мухаммадиев, Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, Ташкент
Н.Р. Иргашева, Ташкентский государственный аграрный университет, Ташкент
З.О. Бекбергенова, Нукусский филиал ТашГАУ, Нукус
Abstract. In given article one of the primary goals was a revealing in the conditions of the Tashkent area soils the mikobiot against action of herbicides: it is noticed that on cotton crops Kotoran and Fyzilad super. Were applied a result 57 species of micromycetes from 24 genus have been revealed. Experiments spent show that the structure of micromycetes is less various that testifies the influence of kotoran and fyzilad on volume of mikobiot.
Key words: soil mycobiota, bactericidal, fungicidal, argicidal, fungi, plant residues, herbicides, agrocenosis.
С.Б. Бақоев, б.ф.д., проф., БухДУ, Бухоро
Б.Н. Дониёров, ўқитувчи, БухДУ, Бухоро
Abstract. There are some information about swallow’s coming back in spring, migration timetable and reproduction biology in the article.
Key words: period of migration, egg, nest, chick, bird, biology, ecology.
Умматова М.Э, преподаватель, ТашГАУ, Ташкент
Юлдашов М.А., преподаватель, ТашГАУ, Ташкент
Камилов Б.Г., преподаватель, ТашГАУ, Ташкент
Abstract. Fish production in Tudakul reservoir (area about 22 000 ha) increased from 110-180 t to 943 – 1459 t as a result of transition from fish capturing to culture-based fisheries; fish productivity increased from 8-12 kg/ha up to 51 – 69 kg/ha, respectively. Strong relationship ( r = 0.77) between quantity of stocking fingerlings of cultured fishes (common carp, silver cap, bighead carp) and total catch in reservoir was determined.
Key words: culture-based fisheries, carps, stocking, fish productivity, Uzbekistan
Х.Х. Зокиров, профессор, Термиз давлат университети, Термиз
О.У. Нормуратов, катта ўқитувчи, Термиз давлат университети, Термиз
Д.А. Отамуродова, ўқитувчи, ТДТУ Термиз филиали, Термиз
Abstract. This article examines the impact of human demography and urbanization on the environment during its development, analyzes its economic and environmental consequences.
Key words: demography, urbanization, population, anthropology, ecology, nature, man, natural reproduction.
Р.Р. Рахмонов, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Бухоро
Ж.М. Ёрқулов, ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат тиббиёт институти, Бухоро
М.Р. Рахимова, талаба, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Abstact. Taking into account the high tourist potential of Bukhara and the availability of places for hunting, for these possibilities in this place have been determined tourism’s capacity of the hunting animals.
Key words: hunting, population, animals, savage pig, geese, fox, wolf, wild rabbit, pheasant.
Қ.И.Хамраев, таянч докторант, Урганч Давлат университети, Урганч
Abstract. The article explores the theoretical and theoretical implications of the short- and long-term relationship of factors that influence variables. It also summarizes the factors affecting the net assets of the Kamalak joint stock company operating in Uzbekistan using three-step methods to determine the link between accounts receivable, accounts payable, total revenues and total costs.
Key words: investment fund, OLS (Ordinary least squares) method, Johansen cointegration test, VAR model (Vector autoregression model), accounts receivable, accounts payable.
Asqarov A.M., Phd student, International Islamic academy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Abstract. This article explores the science of balaghah on the rhetoric of Arabic language, comprehension of its contents: ilmul maani, ilmul bayan, ilmul,badi, the history of the occurrence of these sciences, and their role on studying the oral and written heritage of ancestors, scholars. The article also contains the works of the great scientist Saad Eddin Tafzani on the science of balaghah on the rhetoric of Arabic language.
Key words: the science of balaghah, the rhetoric of Arabic language, rhetorical sciences: ilmul maani, ilmul bayan, ilmul, badi, the history of the occurrence of these sciences, Sa'duddin Taftazani.
С.Н. Джураева, т.ф.н., Ўзбекистон Миллий университети, Тошкент
Abstract. The article describes the history of education, geographical location, as well as the role of Karshi oasis in the preservation of our cultural heritage and religious values.
Keywords: companions, saint scientist, Holy, place of pilgrimage, symbolic grave, sayyids.
Б.Б. Исхаков, ўқитувчи, Наманган муҳандислик-қурилиш институти, Наманган
Abstract. The article analyzes the traditional farming activities of Fergana Valley of uzbeks on the basis of scientific literature and ethnographic sources.
Keywords: Fergana Valley, traditional farming, culture, economic activity, ecological environment.
Каримбоева С., доцент, Наманган муҳандислик – қурилиш институти, Наманган
Abstract. This article highlights the importance of modern pedagogical technologies in the teaching of lesson effectiveness, the impact on the quality of education, in particular in the teaching of historical sciences.
Keywords: pedagogical technology, quality of education, effectiveness of lessons, socio – humanitarian sciences, history.
Курбанов Г.Н., к.и.н., доцент, БГУ, Бухара
Шоев И., ст. преподаватель, БГУ, Бухара
Abstract. Article is devoted to one of the large numismatics collections in Uzbekistan, collection of the Bukhara State Museum. Authors of the article are describing arrival history of the collections of the Muslim coins hoards from 30th of the 20th century until nowadays. They are giving information about hoard coins. Dynasties that minted coins also established.
Key words: Museum, hoard, coin, data, preservation, minting.
Маматкулов Э.С., ўқитувчи, Термиз Давлат университети, Термиз
Abstract. The article examines the influence of the philosophical views of Abu Ali ibn Sina on the development of social thought. The works of Ibn Sino occupy a special place when considering the structure of science, the order of science and its classification. In this regard, the scientist seeks to further resolve the issue of the classification of science, headed by Farabi. In the works of Ibn Sina describing the philosophical system (“Kitab al-healing”, “Kitab-salvation”, “Book”), philosophical knowledge is given in the order of logic, physics, mathematics and metaphysics.
Keywords: scientific heritage, philosophy, logic, medical field, aspirations, education, enlightenment.
Очилов А.Т., ўқитувчи, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Abstract. This article gives a brief overview of the first archeological researches in the Bukhara area and the beginning and results of archeological research in the city of Bukhara.
Keywords: Bukhara Sity, archeological research, Deggaron, V.A. Shishkin, Magoki Attori Mosque.
Рузметов С.А., базовый докторант, УрГУ, Ургенч
Сапарова К.О., д.ф.н., УзГУМЯ, Ташкент
Abstract. The article deals with the issue of borrowing Uzbek language lexical units from the Russian or through his mediation from other languages during the Soviet era. It is noted that the penetration of such borrowings is due to a shortage of names for designating new phenomena and concepts.
Keywords: sovietism, borrowing, adaptation, the representative of the older generation, Arabism, mediation, shortage of titles.
М. Ширинова, таянч докторант, ЎзР ФА Ўзбек тили, адабиёти ва фольклори институти, Тошкент
Abstract. Some aspects of the life and work of Alisher Navoi, created by Jedid literature, are illustrated by some examples of Fitrat, Chbonzoda, Botu.
Keywords: Alisher Navoi, Navoi Studies, Jadid Literature, Language Issues, Language of Education.
Sobirova M.B., doktorant (PhD), Jizzax Politexnika institute, Jizzax
Qiryigitov X.B., katta o`qituvchi, Jizzax Politexnika institute, Jizzax
Abstract. This article presents data on the use of various types of biological products and chemicalfertilizers and chemical fertilizers on the growth and development of an artichoke medicinal plant (Cynara scolymus L.). With the combined use of biological preparations “Zamin-M” and “Yer Malhami” with chemical fertilizers, 5.34% more seed germination was noted compared to the control with chemical fertilizers and a high germination rate of up to 37.8% compared to the control without fertilizers.
Keywords; thorny artichoke, Zamin-M, Yer Malhami, Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Azotobacter, chemical fertilizer, Bio-fertilizer
С.Р. Асатов, катта ўқитувчи, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Ш.Б. Адизов, ўқитувчи, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
О.Х. Нуриддинов, ўқитувчи, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. This article presents information on factors influencing salinization and secondary salinization of irrigated soils in the Bukhara region, as well as modern reclamation state of irrigated lands and ways of their improvement.
Key words. Soil, cadastre of melioration, collector, drainage, climate, agriculture, melioration, irrigated lands, salinization, mineralization, degradation.
А.Қ. Жўраев, доцент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
У.А. Жўраев, доцент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
З.З. Қодиров, PhD докторант, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
З.Ў. Амонова, ассистент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. Bukhara oasis in conditions of efficient irrigation method of winter grain crops per hectare to 50 kilograms of hydrogen crystal soil into the seasonal irrigation development in the case of grain growth is observed positive changes in seasonal water flow 3780 m3/ha. Growth and development intensity, the yield of 65 centners per hectare, compared to the control option to 14.5 quintals per hectare erishildi. Gidrogel crystal to a high level in 3-4 years able to maintain their properties. The hydrogen crystal soil maps and have a positive effect on physical properties of water.
Key words: Hydrogen crystal, plant, technology, policy, grain, crop, water, and physical property.
С.Ҳ. Исаев, қ/х.ф.д., профессор, ТИҚХММИ, Тошкент
А.Қ. Жўраев, қ/х.ф.н., доцент, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиал, Бухоро
З.З. Қодиров, таянч докторант, ТИҚХММИ Бухоро филиал, Бухоро
Abstract. Today, the country's agriculture has undergone radical changes. "On measures to increase the cultivation of soybean crops and soybean production in the republic in 2017-2021" dated March 14, 2017, PK-2832 and “On measures for increase of soybean production and development of soybean crops in the republic for 2017-2021” dated March 14, 2017 PK-2832 Decrees were adopted by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.Mirziyoev to cultivate only soybean for economic development of the country.
Key words: dull, indigenous, demographic, fertile, irrigated, plow, agrotechnical, harvest, nutrient element.
Р.А. Муродов, доцент, Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, Ташкент
М.А. Барнаева, ассистент преподаватель, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского института инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
Abstract. Nowadays, areas undergoing degradation are growing in agriculture around the world. The condition of the land is deteriorating due to water erosion by 56%, wind erosion by 28%, due to a decrease in mineral elements in the soil, salinity, pollution by 12% and due to compaction, waterlogging, and under the influence of deposition processes by 4%. Because of such negative processes and because of the existing problems of water scarcity in 80 countries each year, as a result of the suspension of the use of agriculture in the sown fields in the world, the problem of food security arises.
Keywords: reclamation, plant, root, dynamics, system, epidermal, system, energy, medium, layer.
И.Рахматов, таянч докторант, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Р.Юнусов, қ/х.ф.н., доцент, Бухоро давлат университети, Бухоро
Abstract. This article presents the results of experiments in dwarf apple orchards, the dependence of the light regime on the variety-rootstock combinations and planting patterns in the soil and climatic conditions of the Bukhara region
Keywords: dwarf trees, variety, stock, planting pattern, light mode, lightness
Ҳ.Х. Сафарова, мустақил тадқиқотчи, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Х. Саноев, талаба, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract: The article repeats legumes crop as Effect of sown bean varieties on soil fertility The soil is organic when crops are planted in cotton and other crops enriched with substances and creates an additional base of ozone. Bean grain crops only feed on livestock, increasing soil fertility substance is not only a means of producing, but is also harmful phytosanitary to remove insect and disease infections It also functions.
Keywords: Durdona, Khilola, Coral, Turon, Fine, Certain types of mash, mineral, monoculture.
Г.П. Тўхтаева, ўқитувчи, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. The given article deals with one of the main guidelines of social politics in our country, which is impact of various dangerous and harmful factors, which appear in the process of production and other situations, providing them with social protection on the basis of law and other regulations as well as forming appropriate sanitation and hygiene work conditions.
Key words: physiological characteristics, to leave one’s mark, theory, principle, dust, vibration, strong heating and cooling of organism biological and social, significance, realizing of convention action.
Х.Т. Тухтаева, PhD, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского института инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
Н.Н. Исламова, студент, Бухарский филиал Ташкентского института инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, Бухара
Abstract. This article provides for temporary watercourses and their collection, storage and rational use.
Key words: Temporary surface runoff, plastic method of relief, water resources, watering.
Н.Р. Ходжимуродова, докторант, ТашГАУ, Ташкент
С.С. Хожиев, ассистент, БухГУ, Бухара
Abstract. The article discusses some of the features and microbiological activity of meadow alluvial soils of the Bukhara oasis. The results of microbiological studies suggest that the number of microorganisms is maximum in the spring, when mineralization of easily decomposing organic substances increases, mainly due to the biological circulation of nutrients in the soil.
Keywords: salinization, old-dilated, ammonifiers, mushrooms, nitrifiers, nitrogen-fixing agents, newly irrigated.
Содиқов М.А., ассистент, Тошкент ирригация ва қишлоқ хўжалигини механизациялаш муҳандислари институти Бухоро филиали, Бухоро
Abstract. In order to reduce the energy intensity of buildings, prevent the loss of available energy in their construction of materials with low thermal conductivity; polystyrene
Key words: polystyrene foam, thermal conductivity, energy efficient building, inseparable Styrofoam mold.
Р. Хужакулов, к.т.н., Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, Карши
Д. Нуров, ассистент, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Abstract. The article presents the results of studies on the establishment of design combinations of the degree of moisture and stress values in determining the final value of subsidence of the bases of hydraulic structures of irrigation systems. .
Key words: subsidence, loess soils, deformation of soils, stresses, humidity, moistening, foundation, hydraulic structures.
Р. Хужакулов, к.т.н., Каршинский инженерно-экономический институт, Карши
Д. Нуров, ассистент, Бухарский филиал ТИИИМСХ, Бухара
Abstract. The article presents the results of studies to determine the stresses on the depth of the loess bases of hydraulic structures in the Karshi steppe. It was established that the lateral pressure coefficient reaches its maximum during the period of the most intense manifestation of subsidence in the layer under consideration.
Key words: subsidence, loess soil base, hydro-technical construction, lateral pressure coefficient, modulus of soil deformation, anisotropy.